Brian Koppelman On the Tension of a New Craft

I write songs, and one of the reasons I write songs is because I’m primitive at it. It’s hard. I love doing it. It fires something in me creatively that nothing else does. The reward is that I get to feel like I’m creating in a risky way, and I know it bleeds into the other stuff.
— Brian Koppleman Screenplay Writer, The Moment (Podcast)

The previous quote was a snippet from a fantastic interview Brian Koppelman conducted with Seth Godin on his podcast, The Moment. Koppelman’s film credits include Rounders (writer), Ocean’s Thirteen (writer), and The Illusionist (producer). With credits like those, Koppelman could easily stay in his comfort zone and focus on the film industry. But artists tend to crave the tension a new craft brings into one’s mind.

Once you are many years into an art form, you begin to lose the sense of excitement and discovery that it had in those first formative years. I’ve been playing the guitar for 20 Years, and more often than not, I play the same songs I’ve known for years because I’ve grown too comfortable with the instrument.

Artists need to have an art form they are continually engaging in that makes them feel primitive. I’ve created a way for artists, and even people who don’t consider themselves artists, to sample different outlets over 30 days. I call it the 30 Day Buffet. It’s a list of tasks designed to find a medium that you didn’t know you would love.

30-Day Buffet 

Here are a few ideas for a 30 Day Buffet of experiences:

Day One: Draw a nonsense creature 

Day Two: Write lyrics to a song; don’t worry about structure 

 Day Three: Try yoga for 30 minutes 

 Day Four: Buy an instrument 

 Day Five: Write a one-page story 

 Day Six: Take 30 photographs and post to Instagram with the hashtag #30picturesaday 

 Day Seven: Sign up for a free Crossfit session 

 Day Eight: Sign up for 

 Day Nine: Buy three albums outside of your normal genres 

 Day Ten: Spend an hour learning to act 

 Day Eleven: Write a poem 

 Day Twelve: Watch a random documentary 

Day Thirteen: Join and join a group 

Day Fourteen: Listen to a Tim Ferris Show podcast 

Day Fifteen: Take a business course on 

Day Sixteen: Check out one hobby book at the Library 

Day Seventeen: Sign up for 

Day Eighteen: Watch three videos on 

Day Nineteen: Ask an Author for a 10min conversation 

Day Twenty: Sign up for a class at an art museum 

Day Twenty-One: Free write for 30 minutes 

Day Twenty-Two: Google “Nobody Tells This To Beginners” 

Day Twenty-Three: Watch ’20,000 Days on Earth’ 

Day Twenty-Four: Film a tutorial video on something you enjoy doing and upload to Youtube 

Day Twenty-Five: Google ‘Newspaper Blackout Poetry’ and try doing your own 

Day Twenty-Six: Ask a friend to borrow one of their instruments and learn to play it for 30 minutes 

Day Twenty-Seven: Audition for a part in a play at your local theater 

Day Twenty-Eight: Buy Seth Godin’s book Purple Cow and read the first two chapters 

Day Twenty-Nine: Spend thirty minutes writing a dialog scene between two people 

Day Thirty: Reflect back on this 30-day exercise and what you’ve learned about yourself. Journal your revelations 

These are just a few ideas. I’d encourage you to make your own or a hybrid. If you tried the 30 Day Buffet I would love to know the results. Shoot me an email:

Jason Smithers